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From 2024 impact to 2025 insights—our Annual Impact Report is live!

Headshot photo of Steve Lefar
Chief Strategy Officer, Strata Decision

Steve Lefar

Steve is a three-time CEO with 30 years of experience in healthcare with expertise in strategy, analytics and software. Steve is the Chief Strategy Officer of Strata Decision, the leading provider of financial and performance solutions to more than 400 health systems. He is the Executive Director of StrataSphere, Strata’s data collaborative. He is also a board member of several venture backed companies. These include Case Check, Evive and Wildflower Health. Previously, Steve was CEO of Applied Pathways (acquired August 2017 by AIM Healthcare which is part of Anthem).  Prior to Applied, he was CEO of healthcare market intelligence, consulting and analytics firm Sg2 (acquired by MedAssets in 2015) and President of MediRegs (acquired by WoltersKluwer in 2007). He was also head of Corporate Development at Allscripts and worked in consulting with both Accenture and APM early in his career. Steve earned a BA in economics from the University of Michigan in 1988.