Actionable Insights for Today’s Healthcare Challenges: New Annual Impact Report Released

Actionable Insights for Today’s Healthcare Challenges: New Annual Impact Report Released

When $45 billion is wasted annually on avoidable complications and unnecessary admissions, organizations must find new ways to unlock greater savings and save more lives. Learn more about the transformative efforts to turn the tide through inspiring success stories and innovative solutions in our newly released Annual Impact Report.

Explore some of the bold steps we’ve taken together with our partners and clients to empower live-improving actions during pivotal care moments.

Impact in Action

Turn challenges into opportunities for innovation and greater access to care. Learn how organizations such as Privia Medical Group—Georgia, Humana, the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) and more key industry leaders are shaping the future of healthcare with solutions that empower smarter decisions, improved access and delivered results that matter. Here are just a few highlights from this year’s report:

  • Privia Medical Group—Georgia and Humana Improve Follow-Up Measures: By collaborating with Bamboo Health, these organizations improved follow-up measures by over 8%.
  • Delaware Gains Interstate Insight: Learn how Delaware improves physical and behavioral health outcomes with greater insight into interstate care journeys.
  • Missouri Leverages Comprehensive Statewide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP): Aimed at providing healthcare professionals with real-time PDMP data in their existing workflows, Missouri helps clinicians save valuable time and ensure more informed controlled substance prescriptions and dispensations.

A Message from Our CEO

“Over the past year, our partnerships with providers, health plans and governments supported individuals through billions of pivotal moments—whether transitioning from hospital care, responding to 988 Lifeline calls or facilitating follow-up for vulnerable populations. More than isolated instances, we know each of these pivotal moments is a key opportunity to shape health journeys and improve outcomes. Already, hundreds of thousands of providers across 52 states and territories are leveraging real-time care collaboration insights to help individuals receive targeted, compassionate interventions precisely when they are needed most, relieving pressure on healthcare systems and enhancing resilience within the communities we serve…”
Jeff Smith, CEO of Bamboo Health

And don’t miss Jeff’s video on the three key forces shaping the future of healthcare in 2025 and beyond. Is your organization ready for the evolving healthcare shifts on the horizon?

Check it out at this link.

For any questions or to learn more, visit our Contact Us page to start a conversation.