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From 2024 impact to 2025 insights—our Annual Impact Report is live!

Lisa Johnson
Principal, Founder, HEALTHe Insights Consulting

Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson is the Principal and founder of HEALTHe Insights with over 25 years of healthcare experience connecting people, processes and technology to transform business performance. Lisa has partnered with healthcare organizations around the country to improve business operations and assist in creating technology strategies that support clinical and business goals. Her impartial advice, deep expertise and humor have earned her the respect of hospital executives and staff alike. Lisa finds the most rewarding part of her work is getting to help others be successful through the use of technology. She has always viewed technology as a tool that can be leveraged so leaders and end users can make good decisions for their patients and for the organization. Lisa has a Bachelor’s degree from Penn State University and a Master of Health Administration from Cornell University.