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From 2024 impact to 2025 insights—our Annual Impact Report is live!

Washington DC aerial view with National Mall and Monument
Washington, DC Events

Join us at ACMA National Conference!

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Bamboo Health is excited to be an integral part of ACMA National Conference! As the leaders in Real-Time Care Intelligence ™ we are here to help revolutionize healthcare by enabling more informed decision-making and better outcomes. This helps reduce risk, lower costs and make whole person care a reality that focuses on the physical and behavioral health of the communities we serve.  

With over one billion annual patient encounters and a diverse set of technology solutions, our clients across the country are seeing improved results.  

We’d love to connect with you in April. Schedule a meeting with one of our Real-Time Care Intelligence ™ experts or visit us at booth #231 to learn more about how Bamboo Health can help your organization drive better care and outcomes.