Harbor Health Plan: Leveraging Pings to Monitor High Utilizers and Reduce Readmissions

Harbor Health Plan: Leveraging Pings to Monitor High Utilizers and Reduce Readmissions

The Challenge

Prior to implementing Bamboo Health’s Pingssolution, the Harbor Health Plan team received a monthly spreadsheet listing their highest-cost members, along with the number of times those members presented to the emergency department (ED) within the 30-day window. The data included was typically anywhere from 60 to 90 days old, which made it difficult for the team to follow up with members. Harbor Health Plan was looking to implement a solution that provided insights into member events, in real time, from its surrounding hospitals and health systems in order to maximize its care coordination and member outreach efforts.

The Solution

Harbor Health Plan implemented Pings, a real-time notification solution when patients receive care across the continuum, in January of 2015. Bamboo Health onboarded and trained Harbor Health’s integrated care management team and provided recommendations on how to better integrate the platform into existing workflows.

Real-Time Notification Workflows

1. Pings is continuously monitored, providing care teams with real-time awareness of admissions and discharges.
2. Once a Ping is received, the team reviews the patient’s Care Team and Visit History information.
3. Team performs outreach to the patient’s care team, or drives to the organization where the patient is present.
4. Team determines appropriate care plans for the patient, and provides ongoing support. The report is divided among the integrated care management team members to review prior to performing outreach.
1. Pings is continuously monitored, providing care teams with real-time awareness of admissions and discharges.
2. Once a Ping is received, the team reviews the patient’s Care Team and Visit History information.
3. Team performs outreach to the patient’s care team, or drives to the organization where the patient is present.
4. Team determines appropriate care plans for the patient, and provides ongoing support. The report is divided among the integrated care management team members to review prior to performing outreach.

Implementation & Workflows

Each morning, Harbor Health Plan’s social worker runs a report in the Pings platform on members who have been admitted to or discharged from an acute care setting within the last 24 hours. The list is disseminated across team members, where the events are then color-coded and assigned to the appropriate person for follow up. Harbor Health Plan’s social worker is responsible for all inpatient discharges. The community health worker follows up on all ED discharges and maternity-related events, and the R. N. handles the events relating to complex care members.

The team has two business days to follow up with the member post-discharge to determine the reason for their admission, as well as to complete a health risk assessment. They then facilitate followup appointments with the member’s primary care physician (PCP). For members without an assigned PCP, the team will help to connect them with one within 24 hours, and schedule an appointment for them within seven days.

Daily reports allow care teams to monitor members who frequently present at acute care settings or may be at risk for readmission.

In many instances, the team finds that the readmissions are related to mental or behavioral health issues, lack of education on alternate settings where care can be received, a lack of PCP, or socioeconomic factors such as experiencing homelessness. The team will educate members,

connect them with medical and behavioral health services, develop care plans, or eliminate any other barriers the member might have to receiving care, in an effort to avoid further readmissions. Harbor Health Plan also uses the search feature in Pings to monitor any recent acute care events and continue outreach as needed.

After receiving a real-time Ping, the team will often intervene quickly by driving to the hospital or facility where the member is present. The team also uses Pings to learn more about the member’s care team. By having the care team contact information through Pings, Harbor Health Plan can reach out to them to discuss alternate care plans, prior visit histories, and any additional medical information, ensuring that the member receives the appropriate care.

Contact information for other care teams is available directly in workflows with Pings, so Harbor Health Plan can reach out to discuss alternate case options, prior visit histories and any additional medical information.

Harbor Health Plan Daily Workflows

Results & Impact

In just six months, Harbor Health Plan has seen a 7% decrease in readmissions for the high-utilizing members. They have also been able to flag 15 of their ERD “super utilizers” (defined as members who have presented to the ED two or more times per week), seven of which they have been able to engage to connect them with the appropriate medical or behavioral health services, resulting in a 40% reduction of ED visits for their high-utilizing members.

Decrease 7%

Recidivism For High-Utilizing Members

Decrease 40%

Reduction Of ED Visits For High-Utilizing Members

About Harbor Health

Harbor Health Plan, headquartered in Detroit, MI, is a Managed Care Organization (MCO) serving members throughout the state of Michigan. Harbor Health Plan was certified as a Clinic Plan in 1996, a Qualified Health Plan in 1998 and a licensed HMO in December 2000. Harbor Health Plan was purchased by Trusted Health Plan in March of 2018 and works to ensure that its members’ medical needs are met, recognizing that its providers are key to achieving this goal. Harbor Health Plan’s integrated care management team, which consists of a social worker, community health worker and a registered nurse, works with members faced with complex medical and behavioral health conditions. The team’s core objective is to reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions by connecting these members with the services necessary to ensure stable transitions back into the community.

About Bamboo Health

Bamboo Health empowers healthcare organizations to improve behavioral and physical health outcomes through the most powerful care collaboration network with Real-Time Care Intelligence™. By providing real-time insights during pivotal care moments, clients are enabled to perform life-improving actions and deliver seamless, high-quality and cost-effective whole-person healthcare. From coast to coast, Bamboo Health partners with five of the six major pharmacy chains, 52 states and territories, 100% of the top 10 best hospitals and more than half of the country’s largest health plans to improve more than 1 billion patient encounters annually.

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