Four Questions Series: How Great Lakes OSC is Using Pings to Manage their Care Coordination Efforts

Four Questions Series: How Great Lakes OSC is Using Pings to Manage their Care Coordination Efforts

How does Pings help you accomplish your goals?

PatientPing (Pings) provides a central, timely repository for patient ADT information at organizational, practice unit, and provider levels. We use this information to help with transitions of care, as well as to identify trends and opportunities for patient education on subjects such as practice after-hours and same-day appointments.

What do you like most about Pings?

We particularly like the volume of entities contributing to ADT feeds, as well as the support from PatientPing (Bamboo Health) staff.

Can you give us a specific example of a time that Pings helped you help a patient?

The admit and discharge data obtained through the PatientPing (Pings) interface allowed one of our physicians to easily identify a patient who was presenting at the emergency department of a local hospital multiple times in a short time window. Specifically, this patient presented to the ED three times in the span of 15 days.

Using this information, the patient’s primary care provider and staff made it a priority to not only schedule a follow-up with this patient after the first ED visit, but also for education that stressed the availability of same day appointments, after-hours services, and options for additional consultation without a regular scheduled office visit. Since these events, the patient’s condition has been effectively managed and he has not presented to the ED.

What other technologies do you use (in addition to Pings) to help you accomplish your goals?

In addition to PatientPing (Pings), we use the following to help us with our care coordination and engagement initiatives:

  •  Patient Registry (Wellcentive)
  • Patient Surveys (NRC CAHPS)
  • Various cost and quality reporting (payer specific)
  • Claims data (payer specific)

Thanks so much, Shay! For more information about Bamboo Health how to optimize your care coordination efforts, click here.