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From 2024 impact to 2025 insights—our Annual Impact Report is live!

Regulatory Pulse From the Desk of Vatsala Kapur, VP of External Affairs

Regulatory Pulse From the Desk of Vatsala Kapur, VP of External Affairs

Our complex public health system requires ongoing monitoring to stay abreast of the most important topics shaping healthcare today. With information from Bamboo Health’s experts, you can access brief, timely round-ups of the most pressing regulations affecting the healthcare ecosystem. Check out the latest from Vatsala Kapur, Bamboo Health’s Vice President of External Affairs.

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced modifications to data-sharing rules in 42 Code of Federal Regulations Part 2 (“Part 2”). With these changes, patients can now sign a general consent form that allows for the disclosure of their Part 2 data to anyone with a treatment,  payment or health care operation (TPO) relationship with them. While this is anticipated to have helpful outcomes in pursuit of value-based care and care coordination across physical and behavioral healthcare, it’s more important than ever for organizations to have proper cybersecurity measures before enhanced data-sharing measures occur.
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the final version of the HIPAA Security Rule Cybersecurity Resource Guide. As policymakers focus on cybersecurity, organizations must prioritize the security, availability and integrity of customer data. One way healthcare entities and vendors can exemplify a commitment to customer data safety is through the HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF) certification (like Bamboo!). HITRUST is a robust security framework designed specifically for the healthcare industry and is aligned with multiple standards and regulations, including HIPAA and CMS.
  • SAMHSA and CMS launch additional funding opportunities for behavioral healthcare and care integration through the Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH) Model, Prevention Technology Transfer Centers Cooperative Agreements, Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and more. If you haven’t already talked to your state Medicaid agency, take advantage of an opportunity to collaborate and expand care access.

Contact us to chat about how these regulatory impacts may affect your organization.