This webpage includes some post-event resources for additional insight into how we support the PDMPs of 40+ states and territories and more than 25,000 pharmacies nationwide through vigorous data quality and patient matching procedures.
To support patient safety and proper prescribing and dispensing, data quality is critical to ensure providers have the right data, about the right patient, at the right time. Bamboo Health takes this seriously, using multiple methods to filter and clean patient data. For further detail about our process, watch this video explainer featuring Brent Miller, Manager of Data Governance at Bamboo Health.
In addition, we encourage you to read a Knowledge Brief detailing how Bamboo Health correctly matches patient records more than 99% of the time.
Learn how we are helping pharmacies streamline their clinical workflow and improve patient care with our PMP Gateway and NarxCare solutions or you can contact us by filling out the form below.
We look forward to seeing you in January for the ASAP Annual Conference in Florida!