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From 2024 impact to 2025 insights—our Annual Impact Report is live!

Nishi Rawat, MD, MBA
Chief Clinical Officer, Bamboo Health

Nishi Rawat, MD, MBA

Nishi Rawat, MD, MBA, began her healthcare career in 2002 as an emergency medicine and critical care physician. As a healthcare faculty member and researcher, she led quality measure development and implementation at Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. Using her previous years of frontline medical care experience and passion to improve care delivery, in 2015, Dr. Rawat founded and served as lead technologist for OpenBeds®, a company dedicated to improving access to mental health and SUD treatment. Following the company’s acquisition by Appriss Health (now Bamboo Health), Dr. Rawat leads the OpenBeds® solution and behavioral health strategy as Chief Clinical Officer. Dr. Rawat developed metrics, standards, and guidelines with treatment providers and state governments around the OpenBeds® system to evaluate and improve access to treatment. She has been a partner of the National Institute on Drug Abuse to improve access to care and worked with the American Society of Addiction Medicine and Shatterproof to create an Addiction Treatment Needs Assessment. Dr. Rawat completed her residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital and fellowships at Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Medical School. She holds a medical degree from Queen’s University, a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry from McGill University, and an MBA from Georgetown University.