Male doctor concentrating looking at a computer screen


Patient Timeline Intelligence Solution

Stories™ provides real-time, relevant and clear patient history integrated at the point of care to optimize clinical decision making.

Mature male doctor using a tablet

Gain a Clear View of a Patient’s Care Delivery Timeline

Delivering whole person care is impossible without an accurate view into a patient’s total history. High-value treatment information such as care plans, prior utilization history, care team attribution and available community resources are vital in making smooth transitions of care.

Stories solves the care disconnect by instantly displaying patient timelines into existing clinical workflows. Stories facilitates optimal decision making by flagging high-risk patients and showing in- and out-of-network activity, so care teams can provide the best patient outcomes.

Key Benefits

Drive Down Costs

Clear and timely data allows clinicians to avoid medically unnecessary admissions and readmissions. Better use of care resources leads to improvements in inpatient and emergency department throughput.

High Utilizer Tag in Stories

Optimize Clinical Encounters

Increase quality and patient satisfaction through improved discharge planning and enhanced collaboration with community partners.

Diverse group of doctors looking at digital tablet in medical office

Streamline Care Transitions

Insights on in- and out-of-network patient utilization and diagnosis history lead to improved communication among care team members and community resources, making overall care transitions smoother.

Leaders in Real-Time Care Intelligence™

Our Impact

Bamboo Health helps providers across the continuum of care make more informed decisions when they matter most, increasing access to care, enhancing patient safety and improving health equity.

Learn More
  • 250%

    increase in post-discharge visit completions at Landmark Health

  • $681,000

    received by reducing length of stay at Houston Methodist

  • 50%

    decrease in 30-day inpatient readmissions at The Mass League

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